When friends and relatives are going to send you something there are some things you can to touch on with them:
Be sure that they aren't sending anything that is prohibited. The list of prohibited items is on the Disclaimer Page of our website. If you think an item might be prohibited please drop us an email about it and we'll confirm if it is or is not prohibited.
It is important that they address the package correctly with the complete address, including USA Valet.
It is important that they get the tracking information. You need to have the accurate tracking number emailed to you so that you can include it in your notification to us that the package is coming. For this reason it is not advisable for them to simply pop an envelope in a mailbox and forget about it.
If they are sending you an item that was purchased for $400 or more make sure that the purchase is in your name and that you can provide us with the paid invoice for the item.