There are a lot of them and not by accident!
Here is a list of the Super Sale Days coming up for the rest of 2021.
If you tend to be a smart shopper you may want to note these dates on your calendar so that you can be when all the shoppers are online!
Independence Day Sunday, July 4
Labor Day Monday, Sept 6
Columbus Day Monday, October 11
Black Friday Friday, Nov 26
Cyber Monday Monday, Friday, Nov 29
Super Saturday Saturday, December 18
New Years Day 2021 Saturday, January 1
Black Friday. As the story goes, after an entire year of operating at a loss (“in the red”) stores would supposedly earn a profit (“went into the black”) on the day after Thanksgiving, because holiday shoppers spent so much money on discounted items in order to prepare for the Christmas gifting season.
Cyber Monday. The online equivalent to Black Friday it offers a way for smaller retail websites to compete with larger chains.
Super Saturday or Panic Saturday. The last Saturday before Christmas, marking the end of the shopping season that shoppers believe begins on Black Friday. It targets last-minute shoppers. Typically the day is ridden with one-day sales in an effort to accrue more revenue than any other day in the Christmas and holiday season.
The next Super Sale Day coming up is the 4th of July...a great day all around...for shopping and then living it up at night for the birthday of the USA with fireworks and all kinds of celebrations!